Monday, September 22, 2008

The Reality of Filamentaliy

In my IT486 class, we recently had to create an educational tool/activity using a program/site called Filamentality. I must say that it was confusing at first, but after a few minutes of frustration, I was able to get the hang of it. Once I did, it seemed to be quite simple, and when I had made my activity, I was quite impressed. I really can see this as being a useful tool in a future classroom of mine. Students nowadays basically live on computers, so this would be a great way to teach while getting them entranced with the subject (in this case sharks). It's simple, it's fun, and it's...EDUCATIONAL. Hooray for technology!

If your curious about the types of things you can create using this site, here is my little activity that I made. It only took a small amount of time, and it's still pretty cool if you ask me.

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